Saturday, January 9, 2010

Chinese Spoons Mothers Feed Their Babies With Tiny Little Spoons And Forks, So I Wondered What Do Chinese Mothers Use?

Mothers feed their babies with tiny little spoons and forks, so I wondered what do Chinese mothers use? - chinese spoons



  1. HAH! I live in China at that time and for the use of baby sticks! "If used about 1 / 2 size. However, use only if the transitional eating, otherwise you can feed them regular baby spoon. Ultimately, I will use my own chopsticks, but it's a bit difficult because the material is thicker.

  2. HAH! I live in China at that time and for the use of baby sticks! "If used about 1 / 2 size. However, use only if the transitional eating, otherwise you can feed them regular baby spoon. Ultimately, I will use my own chopsticks, but it's a bit difficult because the material is thicker.

  3. Yes. Train their children to eat with toothpicks. graduating at the age of 12 pieces

  4. haha i think its funny, but prolly not only know their children eat with their hands i guess
