Thursday, February 11, 2010

Big Booty Why Is It Harder For Big Booty Girls To Make It In The Entertaiment Industry?

Why is it harder for big booty girls to make it in the entertaiment industry? - big booty

Someone like Andressa Soares ...

Usually skinny girls. Even if a girl makes big booty, which work so hard to zoom out. The example is Jennifer Lopez.


  1. For such people, the inappropriate questions in the wrong category not becoming well accepted by the public of the general public.

  2. It is more difficult. Ma Rainy singers such as Aretha Franklin, to Jennifer Lopez, and dozens of other activities for entertainment. And now we have the English woman who is not only a great booty, but it is very easy to find. Sorry ... I forgot his name but his last album sold like hotcakes.

  3. ?

    Above all, you have to be traded. Their prey is not a break or do something with fame.

    I also believe that this question in the kitchen and recipes.

  4. Big booty is a plus, not a detriment to success!

  5. What has this to do with cooking and recipes?
